Phumlani Dube and Game of Russian Roulette

| May 2023

Ladies and gentlemen, listen up! I have something juicy to share about the ongoing feud between AmaZulu FC and their former communications manager, Phumlani Dube, who was fired for allegedly assaulting a colleague. Dube, in retaliation, has hurled accusations of the team’s involvement in a boozy culture - a damaging and colourful allegation. In response, the team fired back with a threatening legal letter, demanding a retraction and apology. However, fuelled by the support of his Facebook friends, Dube is determined to keep up the fight, but let’s be honest, it is a fool’s errand. And how do I know that? Well, I’ve seen this movie before.

In 2010, I was fired from a cushy government job in KwaZulu-Natal, and I was ready to take the whole house down. I wanted to present my side of the story, criticise my former boss, and accuse him of purging me because we disagreed on how to deal with corruption at the Department of Transport. I had over 30 journalists at my fingertips, with whom I communicated daily for five long years.

But let me tell you, those closest to me talked me down from the ledge of foolishness. They knew that taking on an establishment with nothing to lose was a recipe for disaster. If I had tried to conflate my personal issues with my former boss, I would have inexplicably taken on the government of the ANC for a measly 15 minutes of fame. And I’m glad I didn’t. For the record, I’m now a senior manager in the ANC-led government, part of the C-suite, and I’m happy and content.

Now, for all you underdog supporters out there, I know rooting for the little guy is comforting. I’ve seen people falling all over themselves, telling Phumlani not to back down. But let me tell you, no company worth its salt can allow a single ex-employee with an axe to grind to drag its good name through the mud; corporate reputation is a currency. It’s a costly blunder for Phumlani, and Sandile Zungu faces the prospect of being unable to sell his club and get a reasonable price in the short term.

Whether there’s an alcohol culture at AmaZulu, or whether Phumlani is telling the truth or not, it has nothing to do with his lacklustre performance and failure to be a team player. The reality is that Phumlani knows what he knows because of the position of trust and responsibility bestowed upon him during his stint at the club. He was a brand custodian, for crying out loud. And now, due to some misunderstanding, he’s using privileged information gleaned during his employment to take the house with him.

Let me tell you, no judge in his sober senses will grant him any relief, even if he wins round one. Just look at former CEO of Old Mutual Peter Moyo, his 15 minutes of fame; after months of litigation, he eventually lost. And the problem is, if you’re not rich and famous, no sane executive wants to employ a litigious employee who releases company secrets to find a seat at the executive table. To his credit, Moyo was a multi-millionaire already. He could afford to burn some cash.

Now, let me break it down for you in plain language. Phumlani is abusing the knowledge he obtained while being a highly-paid manager at AmaZulu for personal gain. And unfortunately, as a comms manager, he didn’t shine either. He was pretty much pedestrian.

So listen up, my fellow readers. I’m not writing this missive to condone any drug abuse culture or to secure a meeting with Zungu, who, by the way, is my friend on the streets of Facebook (and so is Phumlani). Zungu is a raconteur of the legendary dimly lit, but that’s beside the point. The point is to warn black and white professionals to know their place in the value chain.

After years of litigation, let’s say you win, the judge will refuse reinstatement because you’ve demonstrated an unredeemable relationship breakdown with your former employer. And let me tell you, as someone who did labour law in my early years, I know what I’m talking about.

So, my advice to you as a professional is to pick your battles wisely and remember that Twitter and Facebook people won’t be in court with you. It’s cold in those courtrooms, and lawyers don’t come cheap, unlike writers like me.

And by the way, I do not support AmaZulu FC. I think it’s the worst investment for anybody unless you have a side hustle running a gambling empire. I’m a Kaizer Chiefs fan and don’t support the underdogs. The whole David vs what’s-his-name (Goliath) story is overrated.

My lovely daughter, who is 18 years old, believes that the game of life is rigged in favour of the rich. But I know for sure that it’s not, yet by design, it favours the haves. Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but the chains of oppression. So, dream on, Phumlani, but know that you’re playing Russian roulette with your career that won’t end well for you.

Bhekisisa Mncube is not just a storyteller; he’s a master weaver of tales that capture the heart and soul of South Africa. His new book, The Ramaphosa Chronicles, is available for sale at