Thought Leadership

From coast to culture: South Africa’s sustainable tourism journey

| Mar 2024
Sustainability in tourism isn’t a grand gesture or some abstract concept, but rather about the people, their heritage and prosperity and the planet,” writes Bronwen Auret of South African Tourism.

Angie Motshekga | SA’s basic education landscape has evolved despite its challenges

City Press
Over the past decade, the National Senior Certificate (NSC) pass rate has consistently risen from 60% in 2009 to more than 80% in recent years. The Class of 2023 deserves praise for upholding this positive trend, achieving an 82.9% pass rate.

World AIDS Day 2024: Tackling HIV in South Africa’s Young Population

Through comprehensive sexuality education, combined with the significant achievements in vaccinating over 80% of Grade 5 girls against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), deworming over 3.5 million learners in grades R-7, and daily feeding 9.6 million learners, we are making strides.

SA has made great progress towards an Aids-free future, but many challenges persist
HIV still poses a serious risk to SA's health, especially among the youth, writes Angie Motshekga

No, Prof Tomlinson, SA’s basic education system is not in ruins, it’s on the rise

Daily Maverick
Folk devils and moral panics result in manufactured outrage, designed to scare users of public schooling and deter private-sector investment in South Africa’s basic education sector.

Safeguarding Our Future Generations from Sexual Assault

By utilising pedagogical techniques that influence attitudes and behaviours, teaching can directly impact the reduction of gender-based violence acts, writes Angie Motshekga.

All systems go for matric exams on Monday

Over 717 377 matriculants are expected to sit for their final examinations across 6 898 centres on Monday, as the 2023 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations get underway.

ANGIE MOTSHEKGA | Contrary to assertions, education system on the rise

Sowetan Live
In his article titled “Teacher shortage creating a reading and classroom crisis,” published on October 6 2023, Mmusi Maimane appears to misdiagnose the state of basic education in SA.

Feeding the Future

Today, on World Food Day, we celebrate the intricate relationship between food and water, and we reflect on South Africa's journey towards ensuring holistic nutrition for our learners, especially through the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP).

Angie Motshekga | BELA Bill is pivotal to realising ‘Education 2.0’

The current version of the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill has been shaped by extensive consultations over several years and aims to realise Education 2.0, writes Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga.