
The contested and complex legacy of Mangosuthu Buthelezi

| Sep 2023
Inkosi Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi was one of the most polarising political figures of the 20th century, and his hands dripped with blood.

Phumlani Dube and Game of Russian Roulette

| May 2023
Ladies and gentlemen, listen up! I have something juicy to share about the ongoing feud between AmaZulu FC and their former communications manager, Phumlani Dube, who was fired for allegedly assaulting a colleague.

Starved of booze and tobacco

| Apr 2023
The Witness
Mr President, do you sometimes get the weird feeling that you’re not the right guy to be our President? I do. In fact, quite a lot lately.

Battle of wits and folly

| Sep 2022
The Witness
Downer has earned every month for 17 years and performed dismally, with no Zuma conviction. He should be ashamed of himself.

Vigilante groups

| Apr 2022
The Witness
This week, Mr President, you dedicated your letter to the nation to anti-foreigner sentiments and killings allegedly perpetuated by vigilante groups such as Operation Dudula.